Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: Amazing, amazing, amazing. So good it gave me that rare "Great-movie-afterglow" thing, where you walk out of the cinema feeling all invigorated, and in this case, romantic. I just love the idea that two people know about all the irritation, and boredom and, in their case, loathing that they may eventually feel for each other (they have the evidence) but they still wanna be together. I love that combination of romance and realism, cause it means I can stomach the romance. And I always have been a romantic beneath my outer layer of cynicism. Oh man, such a good film. In another weird blog crossover incident, watching Eternal Sunshine last night with us (although she didn't know it) was Mel, from A Wild Young Under-Whimsy. This hilarious situation arose where about six avid readers of Mel's blog were seated two rows behind, all muttering to each other, "is that Mel? where? oh, ok...", and acting like they'd spotted some mega celebrity (the blog is that good). I had to restrain my friend Lauren from walking up and making a scene (she does that kinda thing) by screaming "ohmygod, I just love your blog" etc. etc. Comforting blog anonymity slowly being chipped away...
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Currently having a cold-feet thesis-panic, asking myself such questions as "do I actually have an argument?" and "am I actually saying anything?". Would be very unfortunate if I rationally, as opposed to irrationally, asnwered "no" to either question, as I've only got three weeks to go. In fact, as of June 11, I am no longer a student... which leads to a much larger panic: what the hell am I gonna do with my life? Actually, strangely, I'm not that worried. I think as I've imagined the panic that facing the "real" world would entail for so long, that now that I'm getting closer, I'm not particularly fussed. Firstly, I know that next year, in some capacity, whatever capacity, I'm heading back to uni. And the short-term? Well, I like juice and stuff... maybe I should get a Boost/Viva juice "juice providor" position. That'd be colourful and sweet and stuff... actually, maybe I should aim a bit higher. Actually, can I aim any higher? cheap spanish holiday florida discount health care outdoor villa lightingsan fransisco shuttletours
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